Das Filmforum der HBK präsentiert im Wintersemester 2011/12:



Montag | 12.12.2011 | 19:00 h | "Poetic Framing"

Chantal Akerman, de cá (Chantal Akerman, von hier aus)
| Gustavo Beck & Leonardo Luiz Ferreira

62 min | 2011 | DVD (HDV) | english | BR

Invented by the post-New Wave, the exercise is well-known: put a filmmaker in the frame, make him talk about his career, evoke his admirations, rummage in his methods, and add words to silences, spoken images to seen images. It’s always very instructive. As is the case here too. Chantal Akerman, passing through South America, talks about herself for an hour, and it’s fascinating. Even if her recalling of the relationship between the cinema and time makes up only a few rare minutes. Elementary, decisive, up to date. Her every word, her choice of adjectives, the tempo of poses, her French accent in English, all count. But Gustavo Beck deliberately ties his hands and adds a handicap to the race in that he has chosen to do it a little bit “in the style of”. Fixed camera, single shot, framing with doors, etc. The result? A very elegant homage in the form of a one-act comedy with a single character.
Her way of sitting with her legs crossed, of adding a cushion to her seat, of taking one, then two glasses (one straight glass, one balloon glass) to serve herself water, her freedom to violate smoking regulations in a public place, etc. As if a body in dialogue with the complications of daily life added to the understanding of her production.
(Jean-Pierre Rehm, www.fidmarseille.org - uptodate110924)


"Poetic Framing" - Filmreihe und Workshop
Die vierwöchige Filmreihe und der begleitende workshop "poetic framing" von Kristian Petersen widmen sich den Grundlagen experimentell-dokumentarischen Filmemachens.
Das 'Kino der Poesie' mit seinen Themen wie z.B. die Erschliessung des Raums mittels Tiefenschärfe oder die Spannung zwischen Sichtbarem im Bild und Unsichtbarem ausserhalb der Bildbegrenzung wird anhand der gezeigten Filme evident . Am jeweils folgenden Dienstag im workshop werden diese Themen eingehend weiter behandelt. Während der vier Wochen entstehen kurze Filmübungen, die im Seminar gemeinsam analysiert und besprochen werden.


Übersicht Wintersemester 2011/12


