Das Filmforum der HBK präsentiert im Sommersemester 2014:



Montag | 12.05.14 | 19:00 h

Zu Gast:
Christian Jankowski – Casting Jesus

In preparation for Casting Jesus, Jankowski asked a casting agency in Rome to provide actors to audition for the role of Jesus. The 13 who showed up competed according to casting show procedure – similar to what’s seen on American Idol. They were judged by a distinguished panel of real Vatican members: e.g. the secretary of the Commission for Film Classification of the Italian Bishop Conference. The contestants competed in various tasks, including breaking bread, performing a miracle, and carrying the cross. In addition, they delivered dramatic interpretations of quotes, taken from the Bible, spoken by Jesus. In a separate space, an audience was able to watch the procedure projected on a large screen via live stream.
(Catalogue Heavy Weight History)




Christian Jankowski – Casting Jesus
60 min | 2011 | two-channel video (16:9) | col | sound | OFital (UTengl)

Christian Jankowski (*1968 in Göttingen) ist Absolvent der HFBK Hamburg und arbeitet in den Bereichen Video, Fotografie, Performance. Durch die Kombination verschiedener Medien lässt er die Grenzen zwischen Fiktion und Wirklichkeit, zwischen Privatem und Öffentlichem verschwimmen. Seit der Biennale in Venedig 1999 finden seine Arbeiten internationale Beachtung. Seit 2005 ist er Professor für Bildhauerei (Installation, Performance, Video) an der Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart.


[ Abbildung oben: aus dem Film „Casting Jesus“ von Christian Jankowski ]


Übersicht Sommersemester 2014


