Das Filmforum der HBK präsentiert im Sommersemester 2019:



Montag | 08.07.19 | 19:00 h

Uploaded:  2000/2010er-Jahre (The Internet Age)

(WARNING: This program may contain sensitive content.)

Es ist wohl noch zu früh, unter den filmischen Experimenten des neuen Jahrhunderts (Jahrtausends) einzelne Werke als die bleibenden Klassiker auszumachen. Insofern lenken wir mit diesem Programm zunächst nur den Blick auf eine entscheidene, technische Neuerung, die zu einem wesentlichen (Bewußtseins-) Wandel im Umgang mit Bewegtbildern beigetragen hat: das Internet. – Schon früh haben sich Experimentalfilmer*innen diesem Phänomen gewidmet; mit dem Aufkommen der großen Video-Plattformen YouTube (2005) und Vimeo (2007) hat die Entwicklung allerdings eine Dynamik erreicht (z.B. 400 Sunden YouTube-Uploads pro Minute), die den gesellschaftlichen Diskurs unabdingbar macht (z.B. zu Uploadfiltern, Copyright und Censorship). – Mit diesem Programm sollen eher Gedanken (zur Zukunft der Bewegtbilder) angeregt, als eine Filmgeschichte festgeschrieben werden. (MB)




Filmprogramm (70 min):

Michael Brynntrup – KEIN FILM | NO FILM
1:20 min | 2000 | internet (Flash) | bw | stereo | OVdt+en | DE
1:20 min | 2000 | digifile (35mm) | bw | stereo | OVdt+en | DE

Matthias Fritsch – Kneecam No.1 (censored version)
4 min | 2000 (2015) | video (miniDV) | col | sound | OV (nodialog) | DE

Matthias Fritsch – Technoviking Transmedia
6:40 min | 2011 | internet (WebCutUp) | col | sound | OVen | DE

Virgil Widrich – Copy Shop
12 min | 2001 | DVD (35mm) | bw | sound | OV (nodialog) | AT

Michael Brynntrup – FACE IT! (Cast Your Self™)
4:00 min | 2007 | internet (DV) | col | sound | OVen | DE

Giovanni Mimmo – 2007/2017 Whatever Happened (Leave Britney Alone)
5:14 min | 2017 (2019) | internet (WebCutUp) | col | sound | OVen | DE/IT

Rico Chibac – virtual realitv
4:13 min | 2011 | digifile (HDV) | bw | sound | OVdt (UTen) | DE

Erica Scourti – She’s Materialising!
11:34 min | 2011 | internet (HD 16:9) | col | sound | OVen | UK/GR

Lior Shamriz – The Present Of Cinema
7:15 min | 2013 | digifile (HD / desktop video) | col | stereo | OVen | DE/IL

Antonio Da Silva – PIX
3:20 min | 2014 | internet (HD) | col | sound | OV (nodialog) | PT/UK

Kevin B. Lee – What I Learned at the Harun Farocki Residency
5:03 min | 2017 | internet (desktop video) | col | sound | OVen | DE

Michael Brynntrup – WELCOME, Welcome World
4:00 min | 2018 | digifile (HD) | col | stereo | OVen | DE

Michael Brynntrup – KEIN FILM | NO FILM
1:20 min | 2000 | internet (Flash) | bw | stereo | OVdt+en | DE
1:20 min | 2000 | digifile (35mm) | bw | stereo | OVdt+en | DE
Film ist auch nicht mehr das, was er mal sein sollte.
Rhythmus im Zeitalter seiner digitalen Produzierbarkeit.
Film is no longer what it should have been.
Rhythm in the age of its digital producability.
(Michael Brynntrup)

Matthias Fritsch – Kneecam No.1 (censored version)
4 min | 2000 (2015) | video (miniDV) | col | sound | OV (nodialog) | DE
Aufgrund eines Urteils vom Berliner Landgericht darf das Originalvideo Kneecam No.1 nicht mehr gezeigt werden, wenn der Protagonist erkennbar ist. Die Richter begründeten ihre Entscheidung mit dem Überwiegen des Recht auf Schutz der Persönlichkeit und sprachen dem Video den Kunstcharakter ab, da es nur "Motive enthält, die in der Realität gefunden wurden" und diese "nicht besonders kunstgerecht" bearbeitet wurden.
(Matthias Fritsch)

Matthias Fritsch – Technoviking Transmedia
6:40 min | 2011 | internet (WebCutUp) | col | sound | OVen | DE
A selection from the Technoviking Archive. The user-responses to the technoviking-meme were collected between 2008 - 2011.

Virgil Widrich – Copy Shop
12 min | 2001 | DVD (35mm) | bw | sound | OV (nodialog) | AT
An original copy film A 2001, 35mm, b/w, 12 min, sound, no dialogue Oscar nomination best life action short The story of a man who works in a copy shop and copies himself until he fills the whole world. The film "Copy Shop" actually consists of nearly 18,000 photocopied digital frames, which are animated and filmed with a 35mm camera. It won 37 international awards, won an Oscar-nomination and was shown on over 700 festivals and in many cinemas and TV channels worldwide.

Michael Brynntrup – FACE IT! (Cast Your Self™)
4:00 min | 2007 | internet (DV) | col | sound | OVen | DE
Bilder aus der Privatsphäre des world wide web.
Images from the private sphere of the world wide web.
"The video has been removed due to its inappropriate nature".
(Sat, 03. Mar 2007, YouTube | Broadcast Yourself™)

Giovanni Mimmo – 2007/2017 Whatever Happened (Leave Britney Alone)
5:14 min | 2017 (2019) | internet (WebCutUp) | col | sound | OVen | DE/IT
On September 10, 2007, Chris Crocker uploaded a video to YouTube. The video received over four million views in two days. - With over 205 million views the video was the 100th-most viewed of all time in all categories. Crocker closed his YouTube account in September 2015. - Ten years later on that day, Chris Crocker reflects on his infamous “Leave Britney Alone” video.

Rico Chibac – virtual realitv
4:13 min | 2011 | digifile (HDV) | bw | sound | OVdt (UTen) | DE
Dieses Video schockiert die User des World Wide Web. Es ist vor einiger Zeit auf YouTube erschienen und zeigt die grausame Brutalität des Krieges in Afghanistan. Das Video stammt von einer Wärmebildkamera, dessen Aufnahmen von dem dazugehörigen Monitor abgefilmt wurden.
This video shocks the users of the world wide web. It was published on YouTube and shows the immense brutality of the war in Afghanistan. The video was made using an infrared camera, whose broadcast images were recorded off of a computer screen.
(Rico Chibac)

Erica Scourti – She’s Materialising!
11:34 min | 2011 | internet (HD 16:9) | col | sound | OVen | UK/GR
Using a dizzying array of stock video, iPhone recordings, Super 8 film, performance, sound effects and music, She’s Materialising! draws on historical references, economics, pop music and autobiography to present a lecture-style meditation on visibility and vision.

Lior Shamriz – The Present Of Cinema
7:15 min | 2013 | digifile (HD / desktop video) | col | stereo | OVen | DE/IL
„Stuck in the Mise-en-Abyme fuck yeah.“ – eine Auftragsarbeit zum Thema „Flatness“ / „The Future of Cinema“ der 59. Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen / Arte.
“Stuck in the Mise-en-Abyme fuck yeah.” – Commissioned by the 59th Oberhausen Kurzfilmtage / Arte, as part of the festival’s 2013 “Flatness” theme / “The Future of Cinema”.

Antonio Da Silva – PIX
3:20 min | 2014 | internet (HD) | col | sound | OV (nodialog) | PT/UK
We live in a time where Internet and social media rule our lives. Gays have readily embraced online dating and have gone beyond a casual hook up. For some our online profiles and exposed body feed our narcissistic and exhibitionistic side, while for others is an endless voyeuristic hunt. PIX is a series of flickering images (faceless-selfies) of 2500 gay men building a three minutes animation portraying what is happening in the “marketplace of desire”. Thousands of male bodies in typical male poses are put together creating the mosaic of one body.
A mirror, an exposed torso and the promise for NSA fun have become the synonym to today’s gay behavior with dating. But is that the rule or just a temporary -even necessary- phase into a gay man’s life? Does this gay online behavior help for better communication or does it isolate homosexuals from the “normality” gay men have been trying to achieve all these years? Has the need to connect emotionally been taken over by the need to push on the “load more guys” button?
No three-minutes animation can answer these questions for you. Only you can, starting the next time you pose in front of the mirror.
(Antonio Da Silva)

Kevin B. Lee – What I Learned at the Harun Farocki Residency
5:03 min | 2017 | internet (desktop video) | col | sound | OVen | DE
In this video I share my experience as the first Resident of the Harun Farocki Institut in Berlin during the winter of 2016-2017. Produced for the Goethe Institute.
The Harun Farocki Residency is made possible through the generous support of the Goethe Institut. (goethe.de/en/index.html)

Michael Brynntrup – WELCOME, Welcome World
4:00 min | 2018 | digifile (HD) | col | stereo | OVen | DE
Ein "Hallo, Welt!" Programm ist ein Computerprogramm, das "Hello, World!" ausgibt bzw. einem Benutzer anzeigt. (en.wikipedia.org). – Bestätigen Sie Ihre Menschlichkeit: Bevor Sie unseren Service nutzen, müssen wir sicherstellen, dass Sie ein Mensch sind. (Google-Search-CAPTCHA-Verification). – Wir ermöglichen es dir, mit den Menschen in deinem Leben in Verbindung zu treten und Inhalte mit diesen zu teilen. (facebook.com). – Ein echtes Bild von dir ist erwünscht. Es fügt deinem Profil Persönlichkeit hinzu. (twitter.com).
A "Hello, World!" program is a computer program that outputs or displays "Hello, World!" to a user. (en.wikipedia.org). – Confirm Humanity: Before you enter our database, we need to confirm you are a human. (Google-Search-CAPTCHA-Verification). – We allow you to connect with people in your life and share content with them. (facebook.com). – A real picture of yourself is encouraged. It adds personableness to your profile. (twitter.com).


[ Abbildung oben: aus dem Film 'Kneecam No.1' (censored) (2000/2015) von Matthias Fritsch ]


Übersicht Sommersemester 2019


