Montag | 04.11.2024 | 19:00 h
Zu Gast: Qin Dao / China - From On Kino to Kino Tea
(Lecture performance with film examples)
On Kino was founded in 2017 by artist and filmmaker Qin Dao. You can say On Kino is an archive, a film centre, a cinema, or a research institute, but it’s not. On Kino incites all kinds of events, discussing all kinds of topics in the name of film or screenings. – A pot of Kino Tea. A video segment shot in Shanghai, 12 mins 51 secs long. Three years ago I recalled this clip, shot at the end of 2005. When I revisited it, I felt the beauty of this aged material. What is Kino Tea? The footage mentioned above, when used now to make tea, is one form of Kino Tea.
Film program (selection):
Qin Dao - (A vampire film I made)
30 min | 2016 | 16mm | bw | sound | OVcn (live English translation)
Qin Dao & Geng Teng Tian - Canton Cinema Critic (Part 2)
16 min | 2021 | digital | col | sound | OV (SUBcn+en)
After the film screening, Qin Dao will invite everyone to taste a pot of movie tea, 12 minutes of tea (DV, color, sound). This pot of movie tea comes from my feeling: the material is worse than the work. Finally, I will invite everyone to taste another pot of movie tea, which is directly related to the previous pot of tea. Since the work is not as good as the material, I will use the work directly to make tea, 13 minutes of tea (DV, color, sound, English subtitles). What kind of tea is it?
Qin Dao (*1975) lives and works in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China. "I am an artist and filmmaker who creates trouble for myself. One of my important works, a vampire movie, 16mm, has no title. One of my motivations for this is to make it unsearchable on the Internet." (Qin Dao)
[ Abbildung oben: Still zu ‚A pot of Kino Tea' (2005/2024) von Qin Dao ]