!!! - Dienstag | 05.11.2024 | 16:00 h - !!!
Filmforum (special): The power of ‘what if...’
(kuratiert und präsentiert von cylixe)
This program is about the importance of taking power of your own narratives, about intersectionality and positive world building through the lens of science fiction and poetry.
The first step to building a world is to reflect on the one that is there. Atopias: The Homeless Wanderer is visualized introspection tracing the scars of colonisation to the psyche. From there on there are many ways to move forward. In a classical use of the sci-fi genre, fears of the present are project into a dystopian future in Sheher e Tabassum. But the power of narrative can also neo-construct the past as in Manivelle: The Last Days of the Man of Tomorrow, that feels like the fable to a countries disrupted past. After a short break we see the cynical side, where, using the future as a selling point, is the aim of the beautiful, greenwashed advertisement for a yoghurt company in Dear Alice. Striding almost in a modern fairytale territory, we watch Matha go to space in Afronauts. In Please don’t drop it, the protagonist takes us along on the journey to build a time machine. Circling back from what if to what is, The Archive: Queer Nigerians gives voice to a diaspora that reinvents itself right now, taking back power of the present.
(Mit diesem Filmprogramm beginnt cylixes Praxisseminar
'Die Parallelen Universen – diverse Unparallelen').
Filmprogramm (65 min +break+ 47 min):
Daniela Yohannes & Julien Beramis - Atopias: The Homeless Wanderer
27:00 min | 2023 | HD | col | stereo | OVdiv (SUBen) | Guadeloupe, Erythree, Ethiopia
Arafat Mazhar - Shehr e Tabassum
9:00 min | 2020 | Animation | col | stereo | OVurdu (SUBen) | Pakistan
Fadi Baki Fdz - Manivelle: The Last Days of the Man of Tomorrow
30:00 min | 2017 | HD | col+bw | sound | OVdiv (SUBen) | Lebanon
— Break 10 min —
Bjørn-Erik Aschim - Dear Alice
1:19 min | 2021 | Animation | col | stereo | OVen | UK
Nuotama Frances Bodoma - Afronauts
14:05 min | 2014 | HD | bw | stereo | OVen | Ghana
cylixe - Please don’t drop it
7:46 min | 2019 | HD | col | stereo | OVen | PL
Simisolaoluwa Akande – The Archive: Queer Nigerians
24 min | 2023 | HD | col+bw | stereo | OVen (SUBen) | UK
cylixe is a freelance media artist and film maker working on border lines and in grey areas. She examines sociological and humanistic questions in documentary and essay films, writes stories and builds time machines. She visualizes music in live performances, teaches film in narrative and production, sound design and science fiction at various international universities. She paints in acrylic, programs in Python, plays in Ableton and has licenses to operate boats and chainsaws.)
[ www.cylixe.net ]
[ Abbildung oben: aus dem Film ‚The Archive: Queer Nigerians' (2023) von Simisolaoluwa Akande ]